US Debt Keeps Rising! Do YOU have a spare $166,000?

Visit the real-time debt clock

$166,000, Does this number look familiar? That is each taxpayer’s burden in US National Debt in 2017 & growing every second. REALLY???

This is beyond ridiculous! Taxpayers for Common Sense shows lots of ways our tax dollars are being wasted:
Taxpayers for Common Sense!

Happy 15th Anniversary KICK66 Website!

KICK66 is an alliance of interested groups and individuals united against I-66 being built in Kentucky. Its roots go back to the last century, ever since building I-66 was proposed.


We have started this new KICK66 page to republish the original KICK66 from the archives. Enjoy!

Amazing that comments from 2002 are still relevant today.

Our many thanks to our many KICK66 founders, consultants, contributors and supporters too numerous to mention!

I-66 = Pork Barrel Spending

“They’re talking about budget cuts in our schools, how in the world can we afford to spend all that money on a road that isn’t wanted or needed?”

“I can’t understand that if this road is supposed to cross the country from Fresno, CA to Washington, D.C., why it would go through south KY in the first place. Guaranteed all the tourists will speed through this state at 75 mph, and not stop til they get to Virginia! The other thing is that no other state is planning this road-they said it wasn’t needed, even the Feds said it wasn’t needed. Why is KY so adamant in building this road?”

“I agree, I do not see any reason for this road. I am from the Chicago area where there is a road, an interstate, in every direction you can think of. I moved here partly because of the beauty and cleanliness of the area! I have not gone anywhere that I have thought, “gee I wish there was a different road cutting right through here!” If this road was needed or would benefit us in any way, I would say go for it, but that is not the case.”

-“My neighbor, its called Federal Pork Barrel spending. I am an Alabamian who lived in Somerset for 3 yrs from 1998-2001 and I traveled the 80 East corridor to London every week and Hwy 92 from Williamsburg to PineKnot every week as well. Everyone that ever came to visit me in that area always remarked how beautiful the natural surroundings were and I am here to tell you that Kentucky is one of the most beautiful states in America and I should know since I traveled extensively through south and central KY for several years. I have explored from Bowling Green to Campbellsville, Liberty, Russell Springs, Danville (awesome), Harrodsburg (awesome), Lancaster, Crab Orchard, Stanford, Nicholsville, Lexington, Richmond, Berea, London, Manchester, Corbin, Williamsburg and many more small hamlets I can no longer recall. In a word, Beautiful, relaxing and safe. I love KY and hope y’all fight anything that would change the way it is today.”

-“They should just use Route 80.”

– “They should just use Route 64.”

– “At this time when KY can’t agree on a budget, revenue shortfalls are being predicted, this road is ludicrous.”

-“These are our tax dollars-people should be less complacent about this issue.”

The Beautiful Daniel Boone National Forest-driving on Route 80

1-6-03-“I have been interested in the I-66 thing. While I’m from Ohio, I have been going to Laurel Lake for over 20 yrs and am still amazed at the beauty of the place and the surrounding Daniel Boone Forest. I find it amazing that the politicians could get something like this passed in the legislature. I really don’t see the need for it with existing roads in place. While traveling to Somerset on 80 last summer, I was almost the only one on the road so I really can’t see why we need another interstate.”

Yes, we’re Broke!

“The state is crying no money, they’re letting prisoners out of the jails, they’re cutting school’s budgets & talking about raising taxes. Yet they got their pay raise last year and they can build this brand new super road that we don’t need, along with the expo center in Pikeville-a place I wouldn’t go even if they paid me! They should put this on the ballot, let the people decide if we want to spend an outrageous amount of our tax money for this road. Then they’ll have to tell us what it’ll REALLY end up costing.”

I-69 NAFTA Highway

(We Need To Stop the).. Departments of Transportation and their environmentally, fiscally, and socially destructive road building agenda.

The situation is the same in the various states around our region (and the rest of the country for that matter): horrendous road projects, with the various state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) at the helm. These agencies, with their political and corporate
allies, are bent on paving over everything we love, and changing our lives forever. I feel very passionate about trying to stop these agencies from any more unwanted construction.

Earlier this week, we all heard the announcement of the “preferred” alternative for I-69. This NAFTA highway, a gift to the intermodal transportation corporations and their allies in Congress, would (WON’T!) go straight through the heart of rural southern Indiana, my
home. I think the timing is perfect to launch a new organizing effort, one that would stretch across states and include people around the region.

Perhaps we can form a coalition, and get together to share strategies, stories, and insights on what has worked, what hasn’t, how to organize, how to lobby, do open records requests, etc.

To my knowledge, there has never been a broad coalition like this one, focused on fighting unwanted highways and roads. Let’s do it!
Many unwanted road projects are being put on a fast track by the Bush administration. I feel strongly that we need to act quickly.

I-66 Opposition Attend Public Meeting

At least 50 local residents who will possibly be displaced by I-66 attended the KTCCC meeting tonight in London. Every single one of them (with one exception) are for the NO BUILD option. They don’t want to move or destroy this area any further. The lone dissenter said, “That’s OK, let ’em build, I’ll sell them my land & move somewhere else.” He was told to expect at least $25,000 per acre, nothing less & watch out for land speculators! Representatives of KY Heartwood, Sierra Club & Rt 66 protested with signs that read “KICK 66,” “NO BUILD” and “FIGHT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.

I-66 Why isn’t NO BUILD an option?

“I attended the meeting on 2/4/03. On the survey forms sent out by the KTC, the “NO BUILD” option was not listed so the respondents did not have the option to comment on NO BUILD. This resulted in skewed data saying that most or all respondents are in favor of this road & agree with the “Core Criteria” developed by the Citizens Committee. In the committee meetings, the leaders do state that the NO BUILD option is still on the table, but the participants are steered towards discussing the building of this road. Again the KTC is gathering more data to show that this road should be built. That’s really what the citizens Committee is all about, they are nothing more than “puppets” for the KTC. If people really think this billion dollar road will attract tourists and improve the quality of their lives, they need to read the “Economically Justified” Report posted on this website to learn the real truth”